TV Interview
March 2023

Photography distinction
March – April 2023
For the first time in the history of the photographic competition „Exhibit Yourself” organized by the Centre of Contemporary Art in Toruń, distinctions were awarded. I would like to thank the curators and the chairman of the jury Wojciech Sternak for honoring „My Nordic Noir” project.
» See the short VIDEO from the award ceremony
» Interview for the Polish Radio
» Other media
» See the short VIDEO from the award ceremony
» Interview for the Polish Radio
» Other media

EXHIBITION at the Centre of Contemporary Art
March – April 2023
You are more than welcome to visit this year’s exhibition at the Centre of the Contemporary Art – Znaki Czasu in Toruń, where the winners of the „Exhibit Yourself” competition, including me, present their works.
When: 24.03–23.04.2023. Don't miss it!
When: 24.03–23.04.2023. Don't miss it!

„Exhibit Yourself” at the Centre of Contemporary Art
February 2023
It's printing time!
Some of my photographs coming from the well-known „My Nordic Noir” serie are being printed for the 11th Edition of „Wystaw się” at the Centre of Contemporary Art in Toruń. It's a photographic competition annually staged by the Education Department at CoCA, which has become a regular feature in the programme of events at the Centre for Contemporary Art in Toruń.
When: 24.03–23.04.2023. Don't miss it!
Some of my photographs coming from the well-known „My Nordic Noir” serie are being printed for the 11th Edition of „Wystaw się” at the Centre of Contemporary Art in Toruń. It's a photographic competition annually staged by the Education Department at CoCA, which has become a regular feature in the programme of events at the Centre for Contemporary Art in Toruń.
When: 24.03–23.04.2023. Don't miss it!

January 2023
The long-awaited, prestigious printed Kwartalnik Fotografia is back. Exactly 10 years after the last issue.
In a slightly Mexican entourage, I invite you to the new issue, in which I write about Georgian villages afflicted with hardships and poverty along the Trans-Caucasian mountain road. On the traditions, rituals and unique lifestyle of the inhabitants living in the socially and geographically distant peripheries of the country. On an unusual and rich culture in danger of disappearing. And all this is complemented by moving black and white photographs, full of meaty grain and simple lyricism, which reveal the true face and history of the villages of the Caucasus. Villages that are still under Russian influence…
Pages 34-37
In a slightly Mexican entourage, I invite you to the new issue, in which I write about Georgian villages afflicted with hardships and poverty along the Trans-Caucasian mountain road. On the traditions, rituals and unique lifestyle of the inhabitants living in the socially and geographically distant peripheries of the country. On an unusual and rich culture in danger of disappearing. And all this is complemented by moving black and white photographs, full of meaty grain and simple lyricism, which reveal the true face and history of the villages of the Caucasus. Villages that are still under Russian influence…
Pages 34-37

December 2023
In the latest issue of „New Północy” I write about the taste of Swedish forests and the potential of what nature offers us. Plants that many consider to be weeds, which I refer to as "superfoods". On the manifesto of modern Nordic cuisine and sustainable production. Allemansrätten law and initiatives to reduce waste.
At the end, I present to you my own eco-gas review and recommend my favorite places in Stockholm, such as Sally Voltaire & Systrar or Vintervikens Trädgård.
Magazine available in Empik & Inmedio stores.
At the end, I present to you my own eco-gas review and recommend my favorite places in Stockholm, such as Sally Voltaire & Systrar or Vintervikens Trädgård.
Magazine available in Empik & Inmedio stores.

November 2022
Some time ago I was invited to co-create an application that will be a modern city guide like no other.
The Secret App team invited selected doers and creators from various European cities to share their secret places – those that remain "off the radar" of mainstream tourism. Unusual places where we like to relax, spend time with friends, have fun or where we escape from the city noise. The application has been running for a while, it is completely free and available on the App Store and Google Play.
Whether you are planning Amsterdam, Barcelona, Belgrade, Glasgow, Hamburg, Paris, Copenhagen or Warsaw, it is worth taking advantage of the recommendations of some super cool people who share their places, that you simply cannot miss.
» More about The Secret App here
The Secret App team invited selected doers and creators from various European cities to share their secret places – those that remain "off the radar" of mainstream tourism. Unusual places where we like to relax, spend time with friends, have fun or where we escape from the city noise. The application has been running for a while, it is completely free and available on the App Store and Google Play.
Whether you are planning Amsterdam, Barcelona, Belgrade, Glasgow, Hamburg, Paris, Copenhagen or Warsaw, it is worth taking advantage of the recommendations of some super cool people who share their places, that you simply cannot miss.
» More about The Secret App here

November 2022
It has been almost 10 years since the last printed issue 39 of Kwartalnik Fotografia (Quarterly Photography) was published.
In December, the historical paper issue No. 40 will be published again and I proudly announce its pre-sale.
Happy to be part of this, because it is going to be something really special. I am going to prepare something extra especially for this occasion.
Stay tuned!
» Click here to order
In December, the historical paper issue No. 40 will be published again and I proudly announce its pre-sale.
Happy to be part of this, because it is going to be something really special. I am going to prepare something extra especially for this occasion.
Stay tuned!
» Click here to order

October 2022
A special time ... under the cover of night!
Libraries Night is coming – a nationwide celebration of reading and libraries, which this year will be held under the slogan "It must succeed".
This Saturday, October 1, at 6:00 pm, I invite you for a meeting with me in the Scientific Reading Room X, in the Public Library in Praga-Północ (Skoczylasa Street 9), where I will talk about multicultural Praga being see through my lens, about historical shrines and why Old Praga reminds me of my hometown of Łódź.
Free entrance.
» The link to the event
Libraries Night is coming – a nationwide celebration of reading and libraries, which this year will be held under the slogan "It must succeed".
This Saturday, October 1, at 6:00 pm, I invite you for a meeting with me in the Scientific Reading Room X, in the Public Library in Praga-Północ (Skoczylasa Street 9), where I will talk about multicultural Praga being see through my lens, about historical shrines and why Old Praga reminds me of my hometown of Łódź.
Free entrance.
» The link to the event

July-August-September 2022
„Boska Praga – shrines and other icons of Praga District in Warsaw”.
As one of the main jurors, together with the Public Library in Praga-Północ, I strongly encourage you to take part in the photo competition, which includes two topics devoted to various aspects of the cultural heritage of the Praga-Północ district.
The first one refers to antique shrines that are hidden in Praga’s courtyards and gates, the second refers to Praga's old churches. Many interesting prizes to be won, and an exhibition of selected competition photos in October!
* KULmiksTURA project co-financed by the National Center for Culture.
» Competition video
» Click here to get more information about the competition
As one of the main jurors, together with the Public Library in Praga-Północ, I strongly encourage you to take part in the photo competition, which includes two topics devoted to various aspects of the cultural heritage of the Praga-Północ district.
The first one refers to antique shrines that are hidden in Praga’s courtyards and gates, the second refers to Praga's old churches. Many interesting prizes to be won, and an exhibition of selected competition photos in October!
* KULmiksTURA project co-financed by the National Center for Culture.
» Competition video
» Click here to get more information about the competition

Polskie Radio Program III
July 2022
"My Nordic Noir" exhibition on the Polish Radio Station.
I was invited to "Trójkowo, Filmowo" audition running by Ryszard Jaźwiński to talk about Scandinavian movies, actors, directors and above all about the mysterious Scandinavia in my photographs.
» Trójkowo, Filmowo
I was invited to "Trójkowo, Filmowo" audition running by Ryszard Jaźwiński to talk about Scandinavian movies, actors, directors and above all about the mysterious Scandinavia in my photographs.
» Trójkowo, Filmowo

July 2022
On Thursday, July 14 at 7:40 pm in the "Bajka" Cinema Darłowo, I will meet a bunch of enthusiasts of the Scandinavian movies to talk about the Nordic Noir and its global phenomenon. The meeting will be hosted by Ryszard Jaźwiński - one of the most prominent cinema experts in Polish Radio.
Come and join us. Free entrance!
» LIVE STREAMING on Facebook. Enjoy!
» Short video presentation from the festival in Darłowo
Come and join us. Free entrance!
» LIVE STREAMING on Facebook. Enjoy!
» Short video presentation from the festival in Darłowo

July 2022
On July 13-17, the Scandinavian Film Festival will be held in beautiful Darłowo, to which I was invited with "My Nordic Noir" photography collection. The program of the 22nd edition is impressive. Apart from concerts, my exhibition, and film screenings (the first and only ones in Poland), there will be meetings with the audience and special guests, such as Charlotte Sieling (yes, this is the director from Unit One, The Killing, Broen, Borgen or Homeland), the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark Ole Toft, Magnus von Horn and me.
You cannot miss it!
» Event announcement onTVN station
You cannot miss it!
» Event announcement onTVN station

Kwartalnik Fotografia
June 2022
After a 10-year break, the legendary Kwartalnik Fotografia returns, and I am proud to join its team of critics, art historians and theorists.
In the years 2000-2012, the printed "KF" had a huge impact on the Polish photographic market.
Today it returns in a new version. On its website I will be doing what I do best – analysing topics beyond photography itself, adding my thoughts on philosophy, ethics, society and art.
» Kwartalnik Fotografia, check it out!
In the years 2000-2012, the printed "KF" had a huge impact on the Polish photographic market.
Today it returns in a new version. On its website I will be doing what I do best – analysing topics beyond photography itself, adding my thoughts on philosophy, ethics, society and art.
» Kwartalnik Fotografia, check it out!

Interview for Newsweek
June 2021
"He hired you because you're pretty." Does beauty help in a career?
Newsweek Polska gathered a group of experts to talk about beauty and how it interferes in our daily and professional life. We shared private stories on how beauty can be negatively perceived by employers, employees, colleagues, women and even our families. Why are attractive people ashamed of their appearance?
» Click to read the INTERVIEW
Newsweek Polska gathered a group of experts to talk about beauty and how it interferes in our daily and professional life. We shared private stories on how beauty can be negatively perceived by employers, employees, colleagues, women and even our families. Why are attractive people ashamed of their appearance?
» Click to read the INTERVIEW

New Interview
February 2021
I've been invited by Era Nowych Kobiet to talk about women's power, differences between Swedish and Polish women, exotic travels and photographing older women around the globe. Enjoy reading!
» Click to read the INTERVIEW
» Click to see the INSTAGRAM post
» Click to read the INTERVIEW
» Click to see the INSTAGRAM post

Centre for Contemporary Art
February 2021
It’s printing time!
Several of my works are currently being printed for the photo competition organised by the Centre for Contemporary Art "Znaki Czasu" in Toruń.
Several of my works are currently being printed for the photo competition organised by the Centre for Contemporary Art "Znaki Czasu" in Toruń.

January 2021

January 2021
Do you already have the latest issue of "Zew Polnocy"?
Zew is a travel magazine entirely devoted to Scandinavia, which includes not only Sweden, Norway and Denmark, but also Finland, the Sápmi land inhabited by the Sami people, as well as areas associated with the Scandinavian cultural circle - Faroe Islands, Iceland, Greenland and Shetland. Inside you will find a lot of tourist inspiration, culture and history about our northern neighbors.
In this issue I write about Scandinavian crime fiction. Enjoy!

December 2020
I had the pleasure to work on BLACK LABEL 3 "The power of craft. From passion to mastery". This 300–page hardcover publication presents over 60 artists from Poland and abroad who use old craftsmanship in their work. These visionaries remind us of what a modern stove fitter, leathercraft maker, cooper or tanner does. Go to my Writing section and find BLACK LABEL folder and read some of my texts. Enjoy!

& Living Album
July-September 2020
Escape the city issue is out now! I am visiting Palo Alto, US this time, writing about an urban oasis, a house, the Sanctuary that uses natural materials and blends perfectly with the environment. Read more about this fantastic project clicking the link below.

Book of Luxury INVESTMENT
March 2020
In the special edition of Book of Luxury Investment I am writing about some changes in the global art market and new ways of collecting works by celebrities who are becoming decisive generation of collectors and experts in European art. They co-organize auctions, engage in exhibition activities, creating documents about their favorite artists, become patrons of the arts, while earring a lot of money in the process. Get yourself a copy and read my article "Following the footsteps of American Patrons". Page 48.

Forbes Women Online
February 2020
It was a very special evening - a vernissage of the artistic calendar "Women in men's eyes" in cooperation with Andrzej Pagowski (who specializes in graphic design and poster art) and Gedeon Richter Polska. A few days before the event I met with Andrzej in his studio to talk about women seen through the eyes of well-known artists from the world of Polish culture and art, including Janusz Gajos, Jerzy Bralczyk, Krzysztof Zanussi, Andrzej Seweryn, Tomasz Organek, Dawid Podsiadło or Borys Szyc. It was a long and cool conversation, full of anecdotes and laughter, despite the rain outside the window. What we talked about you can read on Forbes Women online platform.
» Interview for FORBES WOMEN
» Interview for FORBES WOMEN

Forbes Women
February 2020
In the newest issue of Forbes Women magazine I am writing about modern business woman, conscious choices and flexibility of business fashion. "Modern Shape of Elegance" - grab yourself a copy and enjoy reading.
» Read the INTERVIEW
» Read the INTERVIEW

Newsweek Polska
January 2020
In the newest issue of Newsweek Polska supplement &LIVING, I am talking with the CEO of the La Mania and La Mania Home brands Alex Przetakiewicz about Polish design, fashion, interiors and competences in which it is worth to invest to increase the chance of success in building a new brand. Enjoy reading.

Black Label vol. 2
January 2020
Witold Gombrowicz said that "one becomes an artist because of knowing something that others do not know". Oscar Wilde added that the artist is the creator of beautiful things, whereas Pablo Picasso was of the opinion that the artist must know the manner whereby to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies.
The second edition of BLACK LABEL coffee table book: "I create, therefore I am" refers to every single of 70 individuals we present inside the issue. You will read some great stuff about best architects, interior designers, photographers, artists from Poland and all over the world. Enjoy!
The second edition of BLACK LABEL coffee table book: "I create, therefore I am" refers to every single of 70 individuals we present inside the issue. You will read some great stuff about best architects, interior designers, photographers, artists from Poland and all over the world. Enjoy!

The Light of the Nordic Noir
December 2019
The captivating aura of the vast North, strong ties with nature and love for untypical light which is a parallel of the soul's light have always been of interest of researchers into Scandinavian culture, local writers, painters, illustrators, photographers and filmmakers. It's hardly surprising; light and nature in the Scandinavian Peninsula are extremely original and different, even comparing to other countries in the same climate zone.
About the Scandinavia I discovered during long months spent in Viking forests and mountains and the melancholies of the North, embedded in national romanticism you will read in my article for LABEL#39.
About the Scandinavia I discovered during long months spent in Viking forests and mountains and the melancholies of the North, embedded in national romanticism you will read in my article for LABEL#39.

September 2019
How do we define irony in art and pop culture?
Find my answers to these questions in the article “A moments distraction and yet another success. The usage of irony in pop culture" in the latest KMag. I see irony differently than the other conversationalists. I've noticed that it is less lucid than before, chugging its previous form. In the 90s it was an important factor shaping photography. When it echoed in advertising and pop culture it lost a lot of its appeal. Read my opinion on humanistic irony, the multidimensional narration of Tadeusz Rolke's, Chris Niedenthal's, Jonathan May's photography and the need of education. Pages 78-82 – enjoy.
Find my answers to these questions in the article “A moments distraction and yet another success. The usage of irony in pop culture" in the latest KMag. I see irony differently than the other conversationalists. I've noticed that it is less lucid than before, chugging its previous form. In the 90s it was an important factor shaping photography. When it echoed in advertising and pop culture it lost a lot of its appeal. Read my opinion on humanistic irony, the multidimensional narration of Tadeusz Rolke's, Chris Niedenthal's, Jonathan May's photography and the need of education. Pages 78-82 – enjoy.

August 2019
Since now on, I am represented by the Mostra Art Gallery, alongside artists such as, Polish painter and sculptor Raf Tarnawski and Polish painter and multimedia artist late Andrzej Cisowski.
» Click to see or buy my art
» Click to see or buy my art

BOOK OF LUXURY Special Issue
August 2019
I have been featured in the latest edition of printed Book of Luxury magazine. The editorial office reviewed "My Nordic Noir" exhibition calling me the first Polish artist to officially incorporate the concept of Nordic Noir into photo medium, officially introducing it to the collectors's market.

Agata Mayer x Złota 44
May 2019
On the thirty third floor of the luxurious Złota 44 skyscraper, the premiere of the Fiore Verde apartment took place.
The interior has been decorated by renowned interior designers with exclusive European furnitures and one of my photographs. The photograph titled "Future Attack" (70x170cm) bound in a strong red frame discreetly flirts with bottle-green walls, soft ruby couches and muffled lamp light, underlining the character of the place hovering proudly over the Warsaw skyline.
The interior has been decorated by renowned interior designers with exclusive European furnitures and one of my photographs. The photograph titled "Future Attack" (70x170cm) bound in a strong red frame discreetly flirts with bottle-green walls, soft ruby couches and muffled lamp light, underlining the character of the place hovering proudly over the Warsaw skyline.

New collaboration with Book of Luxury Magazine
May 2019
In the latest issue of Book of Luxury, I analyze the changes taking place in global investment trends.
I write about locating capital in photos made by known and celebrated photographers. This kind of deposit is still a niche, but is already brushing against uniqueness and exclusivity. I also analyze what makes photography so powerful and why Zbigniew Beksiński raised the question of photo's identity.
"From unappreciated snapshots to million-dollar photographs" in my essay for the Book of Luxury. Enjoy.
I write about locating capital in photos made by known and celebrated photographers. This kind of deposit is still a niche, but is already brushing against uniqueness and exclusivity. I also analyze what makes photography so powerful and why Zbigniew Beksiński raised the question of photo's identity.
"From unappreciated snapshots to million-dollar photographs" in my essay for the Book of Luxury. Enjoy.

FORBES & other publications
April 2019
"Known from movies and novels Nordic Noir for the first time shown in pictures by Agata Mayer".
Click the link below and read some magazine's reviews on my exhibition, meet the story behind "My Nordic Noir" concept and sink yourself into the mood straight from the Scandi crime novels and movies by Bergman, Hallström and Fincher.
Click the link below and read some magazine's reviews on my exhibition, meet the story behind "My Nordic Noir" concept and sink yourself into the mood straight from the Scandi crime novels and movies by Bergman, Hallström and Fincher.

"My Nordic Noir" Vernissage
March 2019
What an evening! Huge thanks to all my sponsors and partners, such as: Opolgraf, Six Seasons, BeerLab, SPCC, Label, Book of Luxury and Perlage.
If you want to see some artistic angles from the grand opening, just click the link below!
If you want to see some artistic angles from the grand opening, just click the link below!

"My Nordic Noir" Exhibition
March 2019
I would love to invite you all to the "My Nordic Noir" show at the Boleslaw Biegas Museum in Warsaw.
Contrasting nature, dark landscapes, melancholy portraits and mystical energy - all this and more you will see on the exhibition.
• Opening Vernissage: 21.03.2019, 19.00 • Exhibition open until 24th of April.
You are more than welcome to visit us.
Contrasting nature, dark landscapes, melancholy portraits and mystical energy - all this and more you will see on the exhibition.
• Opening Vernissage: 21.03.2019, 19.00 • Exhibition open until 24th of April.
You are more than welcome to visit us.

February-March 2019
I was invited to the biggest and the most popular TV station in the country – TVP, and to the regional radio station – RDC to talk about the photography industry, melancholy, my life in Sweden, upcoming exhibition and the Nordic Noir phenomenon. Enjoy watching and listening.
» TVP3
» TVP3

Preview Exhibition
November 2018
"My Nordic Noir" exhibition preview at Elektrownia Powiśle has ended. Some of my photographs were sold and some are waiting for transport to the next event. Thank you everyone who visited me during Warsaw Fashion 2018.

Warsaw Fashion x Unique Bazaar
November 2018
November 24-25 I will present some of my works at Elektrownia Powiśle during Warsaw Fashion in the specially designed Unique Bazaar zone. The photographs belong to the “My Nordic Noir” collection and will be a preview of my solo exhibition planned for March 2019.
Drop by! I will wait for you Saturday and Sunday from 11.00-19.00 :-))
For more info click the link below.
Drop by! I will wait for you Saturday and Sunday from 11.00-19.00 :-))
For more info click the link below.

Jewelry Campaign
October 2018
The newest Polanska & Co. jewelry Meda Love collection already on sale. It was a great pleasure to participate in this project.
»Take a look at the JEWELRY CAMPAIGN
»Take a look at the JEWELRY CAMPAIGN

Interview for Book of Luxury
September 2018
"The Impossibility of Living Without Art" – Introducing to you the Book of Luxury featuring an interview with me on metaphysical adventures in a Nordic Noir setup, my love for photography and an upcoming exhibition. This luxury living Lifestyle Guide dedicated to the premium and luxury goods market, is the top Polish printed book for hedonists about the most luxurious brands, unique places and exclusive life styles. Published in Polish and English, distributed in Poland, London and Milan.

Riven Magazine
July 2017
"A sip of summer" editorial for the spring/summer'17 edition of Riven Magazine.
The photo shoot was inspired by the Australian climate. The feeling of warmth and endless summer has been set in a slightly sleepy and unreal world, what underlines the timeless clothes of Joanna Klimas and Łukasz Jemioł. The Parisian style combined with New York's minimalism is presented among the fields of golden cereals and meadows. The model becomes a fairy tale Alice, innocent and lost in mysterious nature, but at the same time sternly aware of her felinity.

Welcome to the world of Eldsjäl Movie
June -December 2016
Working on a movie project together with the coolest group of Swedish creatives. If you are a fan of nordic noir, philosophical adventures, metaphysical thrillers and Vikings, that's something for you. Taking care of the Production Stills and PR in this project I will take you on an unforgettable, cinematographic journey through the deep norse nature into the darkness, wilderness of the Viking's World with a touch of fantasy. I spent several months in forests and mountains, learning about the local culture of the North. I photographed, among other things, the Jämtland region where I ended up with Jörgen Vikström, a location scout working with David Fincher and Daniel Craig on "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo".

Fashion Biznes
July 2016
Fashion Biznes caught up with some local creatives and asked what we are reading during the summertime. Haven't I got the weirdest taste in books?
You can check it out if you like. Polish version.

April 2016
I would like to invite you all to the Focus on Fashion: "Only One" exhibition.
If you happen to walk through the heart of Krakow in Poland, you can still come upon one of my exhibited photographs. Don't miss it :-))
If you happen to walk through the heart of Krakow in Poland, you can still come upon one of my exhibited photographs. Don't miss it :-))

Photography Corner
April 2016
From now in my feuilletons for Label Magazine I'll be taking you on a photographic journey through the sea of its icons, phenomena, history and evolution. If you are curious whom I started from, grab a copy, slow down and read about venturing beyond the limits of reason and rationality. Articles are available on my Writing Page. Enjoy reading!

Indonesian Live Broadcast
March 2015
Being the guest of honor, fashion expert and the main representatives from Sweden, I was invited to take part in the International Fashion Photography Competition – Focus on Fashion.
FoF gave a lot of opportunities to the talented international photographers. Around 100 applicants from different countries, were chosen just 16 candidates. I had the pleasure to talk about the winners and the event for the Indonesian public television, which was a priceless experience.

March 2015 – February 2016
Had a blast being a member of the International Jury, both during the Cracow Fashion Awards and the International Fashion Photography Competition. My live appearance on the Indonesian public television I considered to be priceless :-)
I was speaking of the winning photographs and fashion itself. I feel honored to join this event 2nd year in a row. Being a member of the Media Council, I have now also the opportunity to be a part of the Arts Council Jury among established polish creatives.
I was speaking of the winning photographs and fashion itself. I feel honored to join this event 2nd year in a row. Being a member of the Media Council, I have now also the opportunity to be a part of the Arts Council Jury among established polish creatives.

Môdes & Proud
February 2015
Another lovely news. I've started running an independent slow lifestyle journal for creatives devoted to travel and a minimalist way of living.
Come and join my writing world on WWW.MODESANDPROUD.COM

Facebook Shutdown
February 2015
I would like to announce that by the end of the month my Facebook fanpage 'Agata Mayer Photography' will be closed.
At this point I would like to thank everyone who have supported me there by following, commenting and taking part in a beautiful photographic adventure. We've created a solid community. Almost 6 thousand people in 2 years have put trust in me, my photography, vision and my team of creatives.
Thank you all. And see you on different channels and platforms.
At this point I would like to thank everyone who have supported me there by following, commenting and taking part in a beautiful photographic adventure. We've created a solid community. Almost 6 thousand people in 2 years have put trust in me, my photography, vision and my team of creatives.
Thank you all. And see you on different channels and platforms.

Label Magazine
February 2015
Happy to announce my new collaboration with Label Magazine as a lifestyle insider.
Every second month you will be able to read my articles about fashion and modern lifestyles with a delicate scent of 70s and minimalist way of living in the air. I am starting from one of the most identifiable fashion illustrators and print designers, working with Chanel, Dior, Tiffany & Co., Cartier, Vogue, Fendi, Michelle Obama, to name a few, extremely talented Aussie – Megan Hess and the history of Art of Fashion Illustration on Kaftans.
Every second month you will be able to read my articles about fashion and modern lifestyles with a delicate scent of 70s and minimalist way of living in the air. I am starting from one of the most identifiable fashion illustrators and print designers, working with Chanel, Dior, Tiffany & Co., Cartier, Vogue, Fendi, Michelle Obama, to name a few, extremely talented Aussie – Megan Hess and the history of Art of Fashion Illustration on Kaftans.

'On Viking Ground'
January 2015
My new cinematographic editorial out now!
Bringing closer Swedish fashion I focused on a good looking man. It is a fact that in Stockholm you will turn to look at a man rather than at a woman. Well, everybody likes a man in a well-tailored suit, right? Right. It is also a fact that in Stockholm beards are having a moment. For the past few years you have observed a sea of fashion-conscious men who have let their beards grow. The appeal of men in suits with beards, is something that's been on my radar lately. Following this scent I organized a 6 day photo shoot in over 15 magically noir locations to illustrate a modern, masculine, uncontrived and well-cared-for Viking arousing primitive instincts.
Bringing closer Swedish fashion I focused on a good looking man. It is a fact that in Stockholm you will turn to look at a man rather than at a woman. Well, everybody likes a man in a well-tailored suit, right? Right. It is also a fact that in Stockholm beards are having a moment. For the past few years you have observed a sea of fashion-conscious men who have let their beards grow. The appeal of men in suits with beards, is something that's been on my radar lately. Following this scent I organized a 6 day photo shoot in over 15 magically noir locations to illustrate a modern, masculine, uncontrived and well-cared-for Viking arousing primitive instincts.

Coffee table book &Living
December 2014
First album of the coffee table book "&Living" – 100% Scandinavia out now.
Label Magazine launched its first issue of the coffee table book completely dedicated to the love of Scandinavian minimalism, functionality and perfect handicraft. Inside the album you will find my feuilleton on Scandinavian street trends. I also show that design relates indispensably to fashion.
Hard copy available in: Warsaw, London, Berlin, Vienna, Paris and New York.
Soon in Stockholm too. Enjoy.
Label Magazine launched its first issue of the coffee table book completely dedicated to the love of Scandinavian minimalism, functionality and perfect handicraft. Inside the album you will find my feuilleton on Scandinavian street trends. I also show that design relates indispensably to fashion.
Hard copy available in: Warsaw, London, Berlin, Vienna, Paris and New York.
Soon in Stockholm too. Enjoy.

ELLE Sweden
October 2014
I've been spotted by Swedish Elle during the fashion week, at Dagmar's after party.

Live Broadcast
October 2014
I was invited to the morning show as a special guest. Making a guest appearance in the public television I was telling about wedding dresses and colors. Next to me Polish experts, the founder of the Forget-Me-Not academy, producer and promoter of the biggest fashion shows and television programs.

September 2014
Since now I am holding the position of Editor-in-chief of London based Fashion Culture Magazine.

Street Style in Vogue
August 2014
British Vogue captured my "street style" somewhere in Stockholm city. Picture no.6 for those who would not recognize me.
I was spotted in my characteristic oversized outfit within Swedish Fashion Week and been described as a stylish local who stands out in the crowds. Thanks a lot guys.
I was spotted in my characteristic oversized outfit within Swedish Fashion Week and been described as a stylish local who stands out in the crowds. Thanks a lot guys.

Fashion Week Stockholm SS15
August 2014
I am covering Fashion Week Stockholm again. During the summer edition over 30 brands such as: Oscar Jacobson | Erik Bjerkesjo from Acne Studio | J.Lindeberg | Army Of Me Design | Diana Orving | Björn Borg and many more. I will be also interviewing Swedish fashion designers. Cannot wait.

An exclusive interview for Fashion Planets
July 2014
My thoughts about the fashion industry in the latest Fashion Planet magazine. Interview available in Polish and English.
Pages: 2-12. Enjoy!
Pages: 2-12. Enjoy!

The runway shows
June 2014 – April 2016
I was covering and art directing fashion show in London 3 times in a row. The Fashion Culture project is an innovative platform created to support promising designers. After successful two editions it’s time to make a third (2014) and a fourth (2015) round. The baldest and the most crazy ever. Fashion Culture show exposed young fashion brands to some of the industry’s most influential movers and shakers.

Fashion Culture Magazine
May 2014
I was asked to prepare a new key-visual for the upcoming III edition of Fashion Culture Project.
I am also happy to announce that I've accepted a position of Art Director in Fashion Culture Magazine.
As a head of the Art Department I will be responsible for the visual look and style of the magazine.
I am also happy to announce that I've accepted a position of Art Director in Fashion Culture Magazine.
As a head of the Art Department I will be responsible for the visual look and style of the magazine.

Exhibition in Paris
April 2014
Les créations de Plich à l’Ambassade de Pologne. My photo campaign for Plich's collections for SS 14 and fW 14/15 out now. Moreover, this month, interiors of the Hôtel de Monaco, chancellery of the Polish Embassy in Paris hosted Plich together with his newest haute couture collection and my photographs.

Lamode Review
February 2014
One of the biggest Polish fashion platforms LaMode showed my catwalk shots from Mercedes-Benz Stockholm Fashion Week. It was a real pleasure to read such a flattering opinion expressed by LaMode. Thank you!

Tantalum Magazine
February 2014
Tantalum Magazine out now.
Inside my editorial. Enjoy!
Inside my editorial. Enjoy!

Stockholm Fashion Week
January 2014
I was confirmed as international press to cover this year's Mercedes-Benz Stockholm Fashion Week AW14, brands such as: Tiger of Sweden • Whyred • J.Lindeberg • The Sartorial Leisure Collection by Oscar Jacobson • Busnel
Back • Hunkydory • Carin Wester • Maria Nilsdotter • Altewaisaome and more.
To see some catwalk angles and backstage shots, visit my Facebook fanpage.
Back • Hunkydory • Carin Wester • Maria Nilsdotter • Altewaisaome and more.
To see some catwalk angles and backstage shots, visit my Facebook fanpage.

Cover for P1 Magazine
January 2014
I am happy to announce, that one of my photographs became a cover for P1 Magazine and joined other sophisticated covers with amongst others starts like Penélope Cruz, Kate Moss, Cate Blanchett and also the photographer Peter Lindbergh.

P1 Club and P1 Magazin
January 2014
I've been asked to prepare a special editorial for the P1 Magazine. The magazine is related to the legendary (looking back on 60 yrs of history) P1 night club in Munich.
Stay tuned!
Stay tuned!

Vatra Magazine
December 2013
Inside Vatra, one of my newest fashion story - Wear the Crime. Gucci.
The 'Future' Issue | December 2013 is live.
The 'Future' Issue | December 2013 is live.

December 2013
'Static Adventure' editorial featuring Pawel from AS Management, who recently appeared in Bvlgari and in Gucci ads.

The Fashionisto
December 2013
The latest in menswear from runway to print. Speaking of print the Fashionisto published my studio shots featuring up two of my models from AMQ & Panda Models. Expressive and energy-filled. Enjoy!

November 2013
Officially now cooperating with the Paris based cosmetic brand and the Mokotowska Academy that represents my commercial business in Warsaw - MAKE UP FOR EVER – Professional Paris.

Dorian Magazine
October 2013
The five year anniversary autumn issue of Swedish Dorian Magazine is out now. Check out my new editorial 'Pathology' together with the short video under below. It's totally worth watching. Enjoy!

SÝN Magazine
October 2013
London based printed SÝN Magazine is out. Check out my minimalist sci-fi Future Attack editorial.

Éllements Magazine
September 2013
New York based printed Éllements Magazine – The Avant-garde Issue is out now with my newest fashion story. Enjoy!

REVS Magazine
August 2013
Nordic magazine REVS published my latest photo shooting titled "Classic Rock".

Warsawholic Magazine
June 2013
Fashion story called 'Levitation' for printed Warsawholic Magazine.
Issue # 2 available at Warsaw's artistic bookstores, Museum of Modern Art, Ujazdow Castle and in The National Gallery of Art. Off you go to buy the magazine!
Issue # 2 available at Warsaw's artistic bookstores, Museum of Modern Art, Ujazdow Castle and in The National Gallery of Art. Off you go to buy the magazine!

Nous Magazine
June 2013
My newest editorial called 'The Doll Boys' out now. You will find it in the newest issue of Nous Magazine. Enjoy!
» Click here to get the digital version.
» Click here to get the digital version.

Peter, Tom & Dave
May 2013
My new story for Peter, Tom & Dave male magazine.

Exhibition in London
April 2013
I am happy to announce my upcoming vernissage in London. You will see my works, mostly from the collaboration with Fashion Culture. Works will be exhibited in the White House Palace, West London on the 6th of April at 6 p.m. during the 2nd edition of FC.
There is a garden party foreseen with some live music afterwards. Price Jan Zylinski will be there too so save the date and come to hang with us.
There is a garden party foreseen with some live music afterwards. Price Jan Zylinski will be there too so save the date and come to hang with us.

Bringing new style to Model Agencies
March 2013
I've jointed forces with some top international modeling agencies, such as D'Vision, Gaga Models, Rebel Models, Neva, AMQ, AS Management. They officially became my clients.
Keep your eyes on and check the results here or / and on my Facebook fanpage.
Keep your eyes on and check the results here or / and on my Facebook fanpage.

February 2013
Le Garçon editorial lensed by me featuring Adrian in Chaos Magazine. Enjoy!

KISMET International
February 2013
Another publication, this time in KISMET International. I shared my new fashion story with Adrian, who just after our shooting appeared on the catwalk on the Milan Men's Fashion Week for Philipp Plein men's collection Fall/Winter 2013/2014.

The Annual Menswear Issue
January 2013
New editorial for Papercut Magazine and its first official man-review out now! Oh, Boy, enjoy!
» Click to get the issue
» Click to get the issue

January 2013
New fashion story – Oscar Jacobson published in KISMET Magazine USA. Check it out!

Fashion Culture 2013
November – December 2012
As one of 3 fashion photographers in Poland I was chosen to take part in the 2nd edition of a British project called Fashion Culture to shoot selected collections. The final result will be presented in the Banqueting House in London.
The main idea is to promote promising, upcoming designers from the established fashion and design schools in Warsaw and London, such as Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design.
Working on set, I teamed up with Fashion One Tv. Clicking the links below you can see our team having some fun during photo shoot.
» Fashion One Tv | backstage video
» Watch the video from my photo shoot
The main idea is to promote promising, upcoming designers from the established fashion and design schools in Warsaw and London, such as Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design.
Working on set, I teamed up with Fashion One Tv. Clicking the links below you can see our team having some fun during photo shoot.
» Fashion One Tv | backstage video
» Watch the video from my photo shoot

AOrta Magazine
November 2012
My analogue emotional photography was published in A/O AOrta Magazine (issue 04/2012).
AOrta is an orthodox magazine dedicated to analogue stories including portrait, street and documentary.
» Click here to see the publication (30.7 MB).
AOrta is an orthodox magazine dedicated to analogue stories including portrait, street and documentary.
» Click here to see the publication (30.7 MB).

October 2012
After a short meeting with Oscar Jacobson's representatives during the Warsaw Fashion Weekend 2012 and Swedish Fashion Miracles I've started to cooperate with the brand.
Oscar Jacobson is a Swedish company designing high quality men's clothing and golf fashion. The royal brand was founded in 1903 and it's known for its long history of traveling salesmen and genuine textile knowledge.
The results coming soon.
Oscar Jacobson is a Swedish company designing high quality men's clothing and golf fashion. The royal brand was founded in 1903 and it's known for its long history of traveling salesmen and genuine textile knowledge.
The results coming soon.

Cover for Gentleman Magazine
October 2012
It's my first cover page for Gentleman Magazine. I shot an exclusive editorial titled 'Let the Grin Go'.
It was yet another shooting in cooperation with Rage Age. Posing is Conrado Moreno, a spanish born celebrity in Poland. Conrado appeared in the Wind & Dust Spring / Summer 2012 collection.
Off you go to buy the magazine!
It was yet another shooting in cooperation with Rage Age. Posing is Conrado Moreno, a spanish born celebrity in Poland. Conrado appeared in the Wind & Dust Spring / Summer 2012 collection.
Off you go to buy the magazine!

Superman Magazine
September 2012
“A Phonecall from the Past” my newest editorial published in Superman Magazine, China.

August 2012
A short interview with me appeared on La Mode
– the largest fashion portal in Poland.
Click to read the interview on LaMODE
– the largest fashion portal in Poland.
Click to read the interview on LaMODE

Exhibition in the States
July 2012
As one of just a few European artists I was invited to the Art Prize exhibition at DeVos Place in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Some of my works nominated for prizes in a few contests, such as “ArtLibre” or The Smashing Pumpkins “Oceania” album photo challenge were hung among major American artists.
Some of my works nominated for prizes in a few contests, such as “ArtLibre” or The Smashing Pumpkins “Oceania” album photo challenge were hung among major American artists.

Art Direction of the Leonard Cohen Project
April 2012
One of Polish jazz musicians asked for some help in creating his artistic image. For the purposes of the upcoming album I organized a photo shoot and arranged advertising- and press materials. At the same time I was coordinating one of his artistic projects, related to the series of his concerts, directly connected with the legendary Leonard Cohen.

Snow King – the teaser
September – November 2011
It's been a pleasure working on a movie set taking behind-the-scnenes shots and capturing a few immortal moments from the Snow King movie preparations directed by a Hollywood filmmaker and vfx talent Grzegorz Jonkajtys.
Jonkajtys contributed as a visual-effects artist for such films as Avengers, The Revenant, Iron Man, Star Wars, Captain America and the Transformers saga, amongst many others.
» Click here to see the teaser. Enjoy.
Jonkajtys contributed as a visual-effects artist for such films as Avengers, The Revenant, Iron Man, Star Wars, Captain America and the Transformers saga, amongst many others.
» Click here to see the teaser. Enjoy.

An Élite show at the Sobanski Palace
April – September 2011
I teamed up with the Sobanski Palace, Noble Concierge and the Polish Business Club to organize an exclusive art event for the cream of the Polish entrepreneurs, art collectors and investors. During the exclusive show I was talking about the benefits of building generational art collections, luxury products and art investment.
I explained why we should invest in paintings and what Investor Relation means for the market. Since that time I've produced several articles on IR, art banking, safe and profitable investments, the theory of the 11th mostly for Noble Concierge's Art&Design series.
Click here to see some photos from the show»
I explained why we should invest in paintings and what Investor Relation means for the market. Since that time I've produced several articles on IR, art banking, safe and profitable investments, the theory of the 11th mostly for Noble Concierge's Art&Design series.
Click here to see some photos from the show»

Charity Actions
2009 – 2011
Since 2009 I'm taking part in charity actions organized by governmental and non-governmental institutions such as the Polish Humanitarian Action, Rotary International or the Polish Brotherhood of Gutenberg, promoting humanitarian values by bringing business and humanitarian service together. Each time I've been hand making and donating necklaces made of semiprecious stones, volcanic rocks, feldspar minerals and Swarovski crystals that always were auctioned off for the biggest amount covering meals for children from flooded areas or supporting the poorest school libraries across the country.
Photo review from the charity ball, The Polish Brotherhood of Gutenberg »
Photo review from the charity ball, The Polish Brotherhood of Gutenberg »

The European Heritage Days Exhibition
September 2011 – January 2012
In relation to the European Heritage Days 2011 a photo exhibition with my works is going to take place in the exhibition hall of Warsaw Gas Museum. I was invited, to the nationwide action called – “Milestones” that refers to the history of Warsaw's gas and shows its impact on the development of the city.
The exhibition will be available between 18.09.2011-18.01.2012. Don't miss it!
Other materials »
The exhibition will be available between 18.09.2011-18.01.2012. Don't miss it!
Other materials »

Advertising campaign for PGNiG
July 2011
I was asked to organize a photo shooting for the Polish Petroleum and Gas Mining (PGNiG SA), one of the largest companies in Poland, listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, as well as for the Warsaw Gas Museum. The documentary and artistic photography made for PR & Marketing purposes can be seen on the PGNiG websites.

L’éclat Magazine
March 2011
Addressed to original and extraordinary readers with discriminating taste for arts, design, exclusive journeys and comfortable living L’éclat magazine writes about my Emotional Photography.
In the “Tribute to Nature” article you can read about my photographic concept of natural beauty. Enjoy.
L’éclat Magazine, 03/2011, Pages 20-28 » Click here to read the article
In the “Tribute to Nature” article you can read about my photographic concept of natural beauty. Enjoy.
L’éclat Magazine, 03/2011, Pages 20-28 » Click here to read the article

Slow Motion Exhibition
Some of my cinematographic shots coming from the Bokeh series were exhibited in the Porto Praga's striking Art Deco interiors. “Bokeh Twilights” vernissage was held on 21st of November and was mentioned on the TVN channel and several radio stations. Wine and special menu was sponsored by Porto Praga Restaurant. Thank you guys!
Many thanks to all attending guests. It was a blast!
View photos from the show »
Many thanks to all attending guests. It was a blast!
View photos from the show »

Agata Mayer & Imagination Quartet
I was invited by a jazz band to present my photographs during their concert tour promoting Imagination Quartet's newest album. The event took place in the art space named PraCoVnia.
» Click here to see the concert video with Agata Mayer
See photos from the show »
» Click here to see the concert video with Agata Mayer
See photos from the show »